Looking for the right tree, Owen, I found long enough ROPE though!! :-)  It 
is the very simplicity of the song "Night Ride Home" that make it such a 
gem!  Riding a in car, top down, balmy moon-lighted night, not a care in 
this world......your sweetie is with you or you are thinking about your 
sweetie......What more do you want??  Passion Play: A masterpiece, A 
masterpiece,!! repeat after me.........she gets you thinkin on this one.  I 
find it very rythmic and hypnotic.....I get lost very easily when listening 
to this song.  The prose with the poetry; how does she convey all that she 
does in a five minute tune? Shear genius!

DJRD:WE are in agreement with this one.  Exhilarating.....pulsating.  
Strangely though, I didn't like it when it was first released, I had gotten 
it for a Christmas present,way back when......vinyl, of course.  Because of 
out agreement on this one... your noose just got loose....


>fact, I'm gonna risk a lynching by suggesting that for me, there's a toss 
>between NRH and TTT for Joni's worst album. NRH is pretty much (dare I say
>this) a middle aged album - she sounds half asleep on most of it, the
>rhythms are plodding, melodies unadventurous and the chord sequences
>cliched. Don't get me wrong, I like Come in From the Cold, Slouching 
>Bethlehem and I LOVE Two Grey Rooms, but the rest are either dull or
>embarassing (stand up Ray's Dad's Cadillac). .
>Same story with DJRD - exhilarating! Where did that spirit go on TTT?
>Especially after the brooding, dark and intelligent works on Turbulent
>Indigo showed that Joni was still a master (and a half). Now thankfully
>she's pioneering again - Coyote by an orchestra - now who can say what
>THAT's gonna sound like! Just my two cents worth. I'm off down the bunker 
>anticipation of an angry NRH loving mob!
>Owen (who is doing a compilation of later Joni songs for his mum, who says
>she "went weird" after Hejira-tsk!)

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