could fill, not feel.  exhausted.  Just worked 12.  Sorry.


> empty hole inside of me that night that nothing else could feel.  Guess
> says something for that album.  I feel the way Owen does, about NRH, about
> Turbulent Indigo.  Have yet to enjoy it and pretty close to giving up
> trying.  Hejira, I read frequently, is a masterpiece.  I have yet to get
> that but still trying to find it. Of course, C and S and For the Roses
> cannot be beat as far as I am concerned and Blue is excellent.  Read
> today someone saying the new member had some good times coming with albums
> they had not heard before.  Me too and looking so forward to it.   As far
> the worst Joni album, so far, for me.  I would say Chalk Mark in a
> Rainstorm.  I hate it and I think it is basically because I can hardly
> Joni, much less know what she is saying.  Hate the music on it.
>   Owen?  Joni, embarrassing.  Joni on a bad day is better than average and
> nothing I have heard her do would I deem embarrassing.
>   A middle aged album?  What does that mean?  I like middle age.  A nice
> place to be.
>    Mannequin-  a silly movie but I enjoyed it.  Pure fluff.
> The Breakfast Club-  I had a troubled friend who thought it was the
> movie ever.  Average but did have its high points.
> Mack
> > I agree that Dog Eat Dog is a class act - there are some great angry
> lyrics
> > in there, and the production works to unify the album as far as Im
> concerned
> > (maybe I like the 80s sound cos Im an 80s kid tho - it always reminds me
> of
> > films of my youth like 'Mannequin' and 'The Breakfast Club'!) The tunes
> are
> > also far more engaging than those on 'Night Ride Home', for example. In
> > fact, I'm gonna risk a lynching by suggesting that for me, there's a
> up
> > between NRH and TTT for Joni's worst album. NRH is pretty much (dare I
> > this) a middle aged album - she sounds half asleep on most of it, the
> > rhythms are plodding, melodies unadventurous and the chord sequences
> > cliched. Don't get me wrong, I like Come in From the Cold, Slouching
> Towards
> > Bethlehem and I LOVE Two Grey Rooms, but the rest are either dull or
> > embarassing (stand up Ray's Dad's Cadillac). Similar situation with TTT,
> > although at least when I heard the first two tunes I thought it was
> be
> > a really good album. Why did Joni just settle back into those boring
> > guitar numbers when she had some great production going on on Harlem in
> > Havana and Man from Mars? And theyre all in the same key! I mean,
> > TTT with the musical energy and innovation of CAS - thats music that
> > your breath away (when the strings kick in on Same Situation - wowser!).
> > Same story with DJRD - exhilarating! Where did that spirit go on TTT?
> > Especially after the brooding, dark and intelligent works on Turbulent
> > Indigo showed that Joni was still a master (and a half). Now thankfully
> > she's pioneering again - Coyote by an orchestra - now who can say what
> > THAT's gonna sound like! Just my two cents worth. I'm off down the
> in
> > anticipation of an angry NRH loving mob!
> >
> > Owen (who is doing a compilation of later Joni songs for his mum, who
> > she "went weird" after Hejira-tsk!)

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