Nuriel wrote:
"...TTT for Joni's worst album", "Where did that spirit go on TTT?"

You're joking, right, Owen?"

Im a frayed not - I really don't hear much going on on TTT. To me, Joni's
best work is either inspirational or insightful, or both, at it's *very*
best. TTT starts off well - Harlem in Havana is such an uplifting song, with
a great hook to the melody and production that reminds me of Court and
Spark. Then Man From Mars, which is a really beautiful tune (tho I *still*
can't decide if I like "big boohoo"). After that introduction, I felt the
rest was a real let down, I didn't feel it was musically adventurous, nor
was it saying anything particularly arresting - you could argue No Apologies
here but I find that the lyrics in the chorus have little to do with the
verse - moral decay yes, but the "lawyers and loansharks" come out of
nowhere! Turbulent Indigo was a different story altogether, it had
atmosphere and a great, angry energy to it, and the lyrics rank up there
with some of her best (the techniques she employs on a song like Borderline
are brilliant). It's a very personal thing, but few of the things I love
about Joni - melodies that are completely original yet totally uncontrived;
concise, intelligent, incisive and balanced lyrics loaded with dazzling
imagery; production that throws out the rule book (Burundi drummers looping
away years before sampling appeared) - are evident to me when I listen to
TTT. It was the first new Joni album (bar hits and misses) to come out after
I found her, so I desperately wanted to love it! Maybe in years to come I'll
listen to it with new ears and renegue on this, but I dont hold out a lot of
hope :(

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