Hi Warren -

I totally agree with you about "Love Puts On A New Face".
The first time I heard those lyrics, I was stunned. I think they are some
of the most compelling words she has written in years (and she's got a lot
to her credit!).
Still, the first time I heard them was when she debuted that song on 
"The Tonight Show", with only Brian Blade acompanying her. I still prefer
that rendition, and wish she hadn't left him off the CD version (as well as 
a few other songs that he played on, but was mixed-out).

The artists' perogative prevails....


>Subject: Re: Revisiting Taming The Tiger
>I personally do think the lyrics are wonderful. who wouldn't be moved by:
>he wrote, " i wish you were with me here
>the leaves are electric
>they burn on the river bank
>countless, heatless flames ! "
>i said, " well, send me some pictures then
>and i'll paint pyrotechnic
>explosions of your autumn
>till we meet again
>i miss your touch
>and your lips so much...
>i long for your next embrace ! "
>i mean..i don't know about any of you but i've got gooseflesh going on here!
  • TTT owen.duff
    • rsc1

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