> Imagine someone else singing 'I bore her, but I could not raise her' on Chinese 
>Cafe. It's so personal it just doesn't work for anyone else.

although I understand what you mean, i don't agree. surely great singing is also about 
acting and a good actor, if they understand the lyric, can convey the meaning and the 

Like some famous driector told some 'method' actor who complained he/she hadn't 
experienced something he wanted them to act. the director said' you pretend-it's 
called acting'.

so i think a good singer, or interpretor of song if you like, could very well sing 
Chinese Cafe, and that line and have it resonate.

have you seen Ms M sing 'stay with me'? I am pretty certain she didn't write it, but i 
defy anyone to hear/watch her sing it and not be moved buy it. She lived it.

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