All this discussion about Joni's albums (this one is better than that one) 
has me wanting to scream out "they all have their moments!"

Love NRH ("Two Grey Rooms" & title track are fabulous, "Slouching..." & 
"PPlay" great). Love CMIARS ("My Secret Place" fab, "Lakota" & "Number One" 
grt.). Love DED ("Three Great Stimulents" & title track grt. songs). Love TTT 
("H In Havana"--reminds me of "Cotton Ave" too--"Stay In Touch" fab, "Crazy 
Cries..." & "Love Puts On..."--even "Lead Baloon"--her 'hardest' song--all 
grt.). Love WTRF ("Chinese Cafe" & "Underneath St. Lights" fab)...IMO     :-)

Over all, maybe not as groundbreaking as the seminal 60's/70's work, but they 
still have great merit and at least moments of profound brilliance.
I could never write-off one single album. Love 'em all.


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