>is it time to relive the discussion on what is behind
>the song? Id love to hear what people think...lots of
>newbies of late...so I invite you to spill .

Two Grey rooms is indeed a very heart-wrenching song.  As I am listening 
tonight, I am also trying to watch Harold and Maude on AMC.  So the stereo 
is playing and I'm watching closed caption.4AM.....and feeling NO PAIN.  I 
used to think this song was pure fantasy...... that she was playing this out 
in her head.  But, if you listen at the very end of the song between the 
line...Below my window, she SAYS:HEY,HEY!!  Like when someone is trying to 
get a persons attention on the street.. when they are calling from indoors 
behind a window. Also, at the beginning during her lovely piano intro BEFORE 
she breaks into verse it sounds like she says:There you again or dare you go 
with me? or there you go with me.... which doesn't make a whole lot of 
sense.  I listened to this, trying to decipher exactly what she is saying.. 
if anything before the verses start......a good twenty times.  Kneeling, 
with my ear pressed against the stereo speaker.......then I would back away 
from the stereo about ten feet and the more I listened the more I read into 
it.  It was becoming gluck or whatever.....She says:No one Knows I'm 
here........(a real locale or at this station in her life?) this could mean 
several or have several different connotations..... that after all these 
years she's still smitten ... and pining for him.......surely people in her 
circle would think she was well past with such intense longing still.

TO BED/MAT.......will finish this later today.......

Eight hours later......      OK, feeling revived it now sounds like she is 
saying:Bear you go with me? ( Bear is the name of my cat?)  I think I'm 
trying to make mystery where there isn't any really.  It's an incredibly 
beautiful song that she sings from her very core.  And I empathize with 
her.......if you let the song invade it can bring tears.  Joni! Joni! JONI!  
GAWD IN HEAvEN........her phrasing, the emotion she invokes when she 
says:The weekends drive me mad,holidays are all too sad...... The 
word......MAD how does she do that with that one syllable word??.....she 
twists and turns it.....AMAZING! ........&  SAD.... she takes you down to 
the depths where sadness...... IS!

And I could envision this on the BIG SREEN, cinematic greatness......I'd 
take it a step further and want to think HE has been eyeing her secretly as 
well.  They finally get the nerve to confront one another........and all 
that, that would entail........ I would want a happing ending though.  :-)

ALL subjective, BTW......nothing is fixed.


>And this loving is a drawing close,
>a tuning in, an opening.
>Until one perfect moment;
>but how can it be expressed?
>A receiving, an enfolding
>as I cradle you in my arms.
>Within my heart, within my soul,
>You are my true love.
>      --Lui Collins
>                   _~O
>                  / /\_,
>                ___/\
>                    /_

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