My suth'rn bro Bobs wrote:

<<Sounds to me like you're referring to "Two Grey
Rooms", released on NRH in
'91, and previewed instrumentally as early as 1983
when she played it as
"Speechless" (called so because it didn't have words
on it) on a BBC radio

A gorgeous song...everyone who was at the Hommage this
past October will remember the soulful rendition that
Rebecca Jenkins did and how thrilled Joni was to watch
and absorb this performance. Two Grey Rooms is a most
beautiful, heart wrenching song..oh I love this words yet...Joni talks about how it
needs those loooong vowels or something... oh it is so
special.....if you havent heard it yet, Bob will
accomodate you np. Right bro? Just let him know and he
will set you up with the goods.

is it time to relive the discussion on what is behind
the song? Id love to hear what people think...lots of
newbies of I invite you to spill .

Mags, contemplating the collection Brei and I are
...said in catgirl fashion woooohoooo!!!

<<NP: Trouble Child>>

Trouble Child is so special to me, it was the second
Joni song I heard way back when..and remains special.
It was dedicated to me by the local DJ on our funkay
fm radio stn.

And this loving is a drawing close,
a tuning in, an opening.
Until one perfect moment;
but how can it be expressed?
A receiving, an enfolding
as I cradle you in my arms.
Within my heart, within my soul,
You are my true love.

     --Lui Collins


                 / /\_,

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