Dear Evian,
What wonderful news! Indeed this was a Christmas miracle! Sorry that I didn't 
know very much about cats to help. I've befriended my neighbor's cat, Dexter, 
but I am allergic to cats and it makes playing with him difficult. I get very 
itchy after touching him, but I just wash my hands real good after petting 
him. At any rate, congratulations concerning your cat's speedy recovery from 
a near-death experience!


In a message dated 12/13/2001 9:50:56 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> She was so weak she didn't even acknowledge us, and after a week,
> I thought "this is cruel to keep her like this".  On Monday night, she
> threw up again (and she ate nothing but the forcefed milk stuff for like
> 11 days) and then was so weak, she couldn't stand.  Then, at like 4 am,
> she jumps on the bed.... and the next day she's cruising all over the
> house, and purring, and eating, and (forgive the bluntness) pooping, and
> grooming herself, and she's been like some miracle cat.  So, it looks
> like she is coming out of it rapidly.... so, I guess we got our
> Christmas miracle thang!

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