Dear Sweet Listas,
     Hey there y'all (or as Liz Taylor would say after a good night of
cough syrup shots, "y'all, y'all, y'all")!  First, I want to thank all
of you who sent much needed sick cat advice to me -- I mean to reply to
you all, but give me the weekend, ok?  LOL, one of those months, let me
tell ya.... Anyway, for the quick update for those who care, the cat was
in the hospital for 3 days and they almost put her down because she was
doing so bad, and her blood was like water, and blah blah blah, and she
was Calista Flockheart skinny to begin with.... so, we mourned, and I
bawled... and bawled... and bawled like some out of control lunatic...
and then I'd weep some more.  However, they decided to give her one more
day and wait to see what the blood tests revealed.  It turns out she has
this blood parasite called hemobartinella or something, and they said it
is very rare here, and it is found in like 70% of cats who have leukemia
or the feline AIDS thing.  The weird thing is that the tests for both
keep coming up negative, so they think she got it from her mother.
Anyway, she was sent home a week ago on Tuesday, and we had to
force-feed her this milky stuff and give her pills, which made her
sick.  She was so weak she didn't even acknowledge us, and after a week,
I thought "this is cruel to keep her like this".  On Monday night, she
threw up again (and she ate nothing but the forcefed milk stuff for like
11 days) and then was so weak, she couldn't stand.  Then, at like 4 am,
she jumps on the bed.... and the next day she's cruising all over the
house, and purring, and eating, and (forgive the bluntness) pooping, and
grooming herself, and she's been like some miracle cat.  So, it looks
like she is coming out of it rapidly.... so, I guess we got our
Christmas miracle thang!
    As for myself, I am still extremely busy, and I miss y'all so much!
I rarely get a chance to catch up on the list, but I am hoping to this
weekend, and now with the holidays coming up, I plan on keeping up!
Work has been hectic, and I am trying to get my thesis done before I
totally forget what the hell it is that I am trying to write about (I
had a meeting with my committee yesterday, and I was saying things to
them like "I dunno, what exactly DID I say I was doing in Chapter 3?"
So, that's on my plate as well.
    Baby Kelly is totally wonderful, although really cranky today, so I
think she is either getting sick or having a reaction to her needle.
She is so much fun -- I really don't remember what it was like without
her.  She has great musical tastes as well.  From birth, she has loved
BLUE, and I mean LOVED it.  She is big on Hejira, especially "Amelia",
but I am afraid of making her some melancholy child by playing it for
her ;)  She also has a thing for "Willie" and "Conversation" and "Ladies
of the Canyon", but sadly, FTR doesn't do anything for her.  Her
favorite song, by a longshot, is "Only One" by JT, as it immediately
calms her down.  Actually, she loves the "That's Why I'm Here" cd, as
well as "JT".  She also likes Elton's "Your Song" and "Levon".  You
might think I'm crazy, but she loves this music, and hates her lullaby
cds.  Oh, but she's really into Amy Grant's Christmas cd....  Anyway,
she's great, and I look forward to her first Xmas with us.  The lack of
sleep is so well worth it!
    Anyway, I am going to try to keep up with the list from now on -- I
miss ALL of you, and I mean all of you.... you are a great bunch of
people!  I was hoping to buy a new computer for Christmas since this
piece of shit is dying, and nothing works, and it literally took me FOUR
FRIGGING MINUTES to open my browser tonight (and I have DSL!), and the
cd rom is busted, and it always crashes, and I still am stuck with
windows 95, and I am scared to turn it off because I don't think it will
start again, and it makes funny noises, but alas, the vet bill will be
my present, thus stopping Santa from shopping at Future Shop for a big
honkin' computer, but no regrets, I've got my babe, and my cat, and all
is well with the world.  So, as long as ole Betty (the computer) here
doesn't croak in the next few weeks, I'll be keeping up with the list
Hope to post again soon, and happy holidays to all of you, my friends,

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