> Billy wrote:
> > God knows Grace Slick's never done time (yet), and she was
shooting at
> cops
> > for Christ-sakes! Not to mention that little 'near' incident at
the White
> > House with Tricky Dicky  ;-D
> LOL - I remember the news alert about Grace's altercation with the
cops.  I
> was worried for her!  Can't remember how it all came out in the end,
> think she had some defense about them snooping around her property.
> some of the Grace fans here know the details (Mark E.).  I recall
that she
> got off or maybe had to do some community service hours.

I was trying to locate this story in her book.  The only one I could
find that comes close is when she was staying in a house in Tiburon
after her house in Sausalito burned down.  She was separated from Skip
Johnson at the time & was having a fling with an old friend.  The two
of them were pretty tanked up one night and were shooting at bottles
in the back yard.  The guy got into a snit when Grace, fearing that
the neighbors might call the police, wanted to stop for the night.
They argued, he went to the back of the house & she went upstairs to
bed.  Around 2 or 3 am the doorbell rings.  Grace said she'd been
robbed three times in Mill Valley so she grabbed a shotgun not
thinking at first that a thief would be unlikely to ring the doorbell.
When she got to the front door there were four cops standing around
her friend who was on his knees in handcuffs yelling 'Shoot me!'
Grace demanded to know what was going on.  The cops told her to put
the gun down.  Grace wouldn't.  They finally subdued her & took her to
the Marin County drunk tank.  I couldn't find anything that said how
she avoided doing real jail time.

Grace says elsewhere in the book that alcohol almost always makes her
belligerent & sarcastic when confronted by police.  It seems that
after all of the other drugs she experimented with that booze is her
biggest downfall.  I think she pretty much has it under control now.
She's been through AA but I don't think she's ever completely stopped
> What was the White House deal?  Was that when she thought about
putting some
> LSD in Tricia's drink??

Billy covered that one pretty well.  Part of her appeal for me was her
wildness.  She didn't seem to care what anybody said or thought about
her.  She also didn't seem to be afraid to say or do just about
anything.  Her book does say, however, that she is aware that her
various antics have caused pain & inconvenience to her loved ones and
that she is sorry for that.

Mark E.
Here are some (prophetic?) words from the 'Bark' album written by
Grace back in 1971:

Well I'm afraid you just walked in here
At the wrong time
You know my old man's gun has never been fired
But there's a first time
And this could be, this could be the first time

You know you look to be a lot younger than me
And I'd hate to shoot a baby
You've got a long way to go before you're old and slow
It could be, it could be a good time
If you'd change your mind

Well I'm tired & sweet from making love
And it's just too late, you'll have to wait
Bring your business around here in the morning
Well I've heard your line and you've heard mine
And I'm just too tired to take a side
Bring your business around here in the morning

Don't you wanna be easy?  look there
Let some of the things you see go on by
Or you could burn them into your brain
Go on home

Don't you see the children they're just like you
They want everything to be fine
But they let it slide
And the laughing lets you know
That smiling breaks the rules

Ah lawbreaker
Well it could be me and if you had your way
We'd all be down
Under the face of a clock
That's just too old to be wound
And you can see now
The old hands won't move around

One way or the other
Fool card brother
This could be
This could be
The first

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