Hi Shereele-I have never thought of it as odd. I love my dream life. It is
interesting. I also take note of them-some of them are prophetic, others are my
higher Self trying to tell me something and others are a Higher Power telling me
I remember once I was VERY scared, and awaiting results which would tell me if I
had cancer or not. I went into a dream like state and a hand, bathed in light,
passed me an envelope. i opened it and it was 'exam results' which said 'pass'.
My cancer test came back negative.
I used to dream about new Carly albums too and the covers were always what i saw.
Juts beforee the realease of Torch, i dreamt i was in a forest and met carly. She
was dressed in a low cut eveing gown, smiling, with her arm wrapped around a
tree(at leatds I thought it was a tree. the album cover is just what I dreamed
except I recently noticed that what i assumed to be a tree is actually a man!

Dreams can be awful but generally they are important as they are trying to tell
us stuff and soemtimes stuff that we won't acknowledge so we keeop ahving the
dream till we understand and take note.


> Dear Colin,
> My husband is always amazed how vividly I remember my dreams (I dream in
> color too). I can still remember a bad dream I had around age five as vividly
> as if I'd had the dream last night. I also have places that exist only in my
> dreams and they are very familiar to me. I've always known I was different,
> but had a tendency to treat that individuality in a negative manner. It's
> nice to know that I'm not alone anymore. Colin, I hope you feel the same way.
> Sherelle
> In a message dated 12/14/2001 6:52:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > >   I bet you
> > > dream in color too?
> > >
> >
> > doesn't everyone?
> > i know not everyone rememebers their dreams but I do. i dream every time i
> > sleep, be it for hours or a few minutes(length of sleep i mean). Don;t know
> > how
> > long the dreams last for. they are always vivid, sometimes good soemtimes
> > bad
> > and soemtimes terrible.
> > I remeber dreams I had many years ago. Not just bad ones.
> > The one thing I find odd about dreams;
> > I remeber them, the places in them, as if they were real places I have been
> > too.
> > i recall the landscapes, the buildings as well as the events. It's the
> > landscapes and buildings i find odd cos I know they only exist in my dream
> > but
> > the memoreies feel no different to memeories of real places and are just as
> > vivid. I don't get the two confused at all but it is definately like having
> > two
> > sets of life meories, one here and one elsewhere.

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