Bob wrote:

> For Hell, with love :-)
> Dingo of Heart and Mind 

And for Bob, with "love"!

Blue Thing Run Fast

He dingoed
She smiled
He thought he had her tamed
But she was wild inside
Thinking of revenge at last
Blue thing, run fast

Across the ocean 
She could see
The smurf that was trying to be
So funny
Thinking of revenge at last
Blue thing, run fast

Parodies are all about
He writes another
Never thinking about
How she schemes away

In eight months
Or so 
Revenge will be sweet
And the smurf will never know 
When to stay and when to go....
Blue thing, run fast
Blue thing, run fast
Blue thing, run fast

What makes you run?
Smurf thing
You "thought" I loved you.....

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

Hell's Personal Photo Page:

Visit the NBLs (Natural Born Losers) at:
----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 3:39 PM
Subject: dingo of heart and mind -- a joni parody

> I am a dingo of heart and mind 
> With time on her paws 
> No pups to whelp  
> You come to me like a neutered male 
> And I give you my growls and my yelps 
> You think I'm like your mongrels  
> Or other Labradors or a Yorkie 
> Or the pooch of your dreams 
> Or just another silly cur 
> When love makes a fool of me 
> After the rush when you nail some hound 
> You're always disappointed 
> Nothing seems to keep you high 
> Start your barking 
> Strain your leashes 
> Squirt your hydrants 
> Fuck your terriers 
> Don't it leave you on the empty side? 
> I'm looking for affection and respect 
> A little carrion 
> And you want sniffs of rear ends -- nothing more 
> That's what I think 
> But you know I'll try to be there for you 
> When your testes start to stink 
> All this talk about alpha males now 
> It must be the start of the latest style 
> Is it all your tricks and turds 
> Or do you really feel it? 
> Do you really bark? 
> Do you really pant? 
> Do you really howl 
> When you howl? 
> You criticize and you flatter 
> You imitate the best 
> And the rest you memorize 
> You know the times you impress me most 
> Are the times when you don't growl 
> When you don't even growl 

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