GET A JOB PLEASE! You are killing us here. Your talents are wasted on us
mere JMDL'ers. The world needs your twisted humor. More than ever now.
Laughing myself silly


on 12/18/01 6:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> For Hell, with love :-)
> Dingo of Heart and Mind
> I am a dingo of heart and mind
> With time on her paws
> No pups to whelp 
> You come to me like a neutered male
> And I give you my growls and my yelps
> You think I'm like your mongrels
> Or other Labradors or a Yorkie
> Or the pooch of your dreams
> Or just another silly cur
> When love makes a fool of me
> After the rush when you nail some hound
> You're always disappointed
> Nothing seems to keep you high
> Start your barking
> Strain your leashes
> Squirt your hydrants
> Fuck your terriers
> Don't it leave you on the empty side?
> I'm looking for affection and respect
> A little carrion 
> And you want sniffs of rear ends -- nothing more
> That's what I think
> But you know I'll try to be there for you
> When your testes start to stink
> All this talk about alpha males now
> It must be the start of the latest style
> Is it all your tricks and turds
> Or do you really feel it?
> Do you really bark?
> Do you really pant?
> Do you really howl
> When you howl? 
> You criticize and you flatter
> You imitate the best
> And the rest you memorize
> You know the times you impress me most
> Are the times when you don't growl
> When you don't even growl

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