Hi, Tyler,

Don't know if you caught it, but the subject of mondegreens -- although we 
weren't using the term -- came up in the list just a week ago or less, in 
terms of misunderstanding Joni's lyrics, and then Bob Murphy and I chimed in 
with some things we misunderstood from the old Catholic Latin Mass:

I heard what was "Et cum spiritu tuo" and thought it was God's phone number: 
"8-gum-spearmint-2-2-0".  Bob heard "Domini vobiscum" and thought he heard 
"Dominic, go frink 'em".

These may be too obscure for you.  If you have the patience to go through the 
digest's archives, you'll find the exchange I'm talking about.

Also, back in the '70's or '80's, there was a whole book of these put out 
called "Pullet Surprise", which may be in your local library.  Sorry, don't 
remember the author's/editor's name.

Good luck,


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