    Ask Ashara about the urinary tract thing -- Her cat has been through
it all!  My miracle cat had me worried last night too.  On Friday, we
got the dog groomed, and now the cat doesn't recognize her, and she
totally freaks out and hisses and attacks the dog, and the dog was
bleeding.... Then we left them alone last night and we came home and
they both were scared of each other. Then, the cat throws up, and I give
her her pill, and she pukes again, so I was up half the night worrying
about a relapse, but thus far today she is walking around and ate a
little, so I think she's ok.... damn pets stress ya out so much!
    So Anne, my advice would be to ask Ashara about the urinary thing,
and for the fur thing, there is a great website -- I can't remember the
name, but just go to google or something and do a search on "cat losing
fur" or something and you should find it -- every stupid cat thing I
type in usually gets me to that site, and it offers great advice.
Hope all is well with you!

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