I have a lot of her records but not all of them...I learned of her through
my incredibly talented  (mark my words the world will one day know of
her...btw, her latest influence is Diana Krall, but I digress) musical neice
who was a huge fan so didn't start listening to Sarah until the mid
90's...two of her later songs that I think are stunning are Adia & Angel,
even if they were overplayed on the radio. I remember the first time I heard
each of these songs I was just stopped in my tracks.

>>Sarah McLachlan's new album will be released soon (not very soon but soon
I liked Sarah's music once. It was a time when some few singers were known
as "Little Jonis" so i couldn't help myself. I loved her debut and it will
always be a very special one to me.
Then, with the others released, i slowly fell out of love and i guess it was
mainly because i felt that something went wrong with her voice - her singing
voice and her inner voice.
Sarah's early songs were realy great - then, as i see it, they became pop.<<

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