"Have yourself a merry
> little Christmas. . . "
> They played parts of the song . . . it was beautiful the way he sang
it. . .
>   emotional and a little on the sad side . . . Just beautiful!

The original lyrics of this song as sung by Judy Garland in 'Meet Me
in St. Louis' are on the sad side:

Once again as in olden days
Happy golden days
Of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us
Once more

Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Until then we'll have to muddle through
So have yourself
A merry little Christmas now

Travis & I were supposed be in Omaha this Christmas.  My family was
going to reunite for our first Christmas together in many years.
Unfortunately my sister's employer would not give her the time off.
She's an RN in a hospital where staffing is relying a lot on people
hired as temps these days.  Sandy has worked there for more than 15
years and apparently they didn't feel they could let her take a week
off.  To tell the truth, I really wasn't looking forward to traveling
at this point in time and I'm glad we're not going through that
ordeal.  But I do feel sad that my family may not be able to be
together for Christmas again while my parents are still with us.

My mother's father emigrated to this country from Nuremberg Germany
when he was 17.  His story is a classic American Dream tale.  He had
nothing when he came here, settled in Keokuk, Iowa, married, had 8
children, lost his first wife, remarried a widow with 2 boys of her
own and then fathered 2 more daughters.  One of his second wife's sons
died of a burst appendix when he was a kid and so the total count of
siblings in my mother's family came to 11 who lived to adulthood.
Grandpa worked hard and was one of the most generous, decent &
intelligent human beings I have had the privilege to know, much less
be related to.  He was a vice president of the paper box company he
worked for when he retired.  He was also a mechanical genius who
designed much of the machinery the company used in production.

During my childhood, Grandma & Grandpa Thiem lived in a beautiful
ranch style house that Grandpa had a hand in designing and that
Grandma furnished & decorated with impeccable taste.  Each Christmas
Eve they would have a wonderful family party.  All of my mom's family
who still lived in Keokuk attended and often relatives from out of
town would be there as well.  The Thiems are scattered all over the
country from Arizona to Virginia & Georgia but I think they all
managed to get back for Christmas at one time or another.  My
grandmother was a wonderful baker & cook and there were food & holiday
goodies of every sort, all made by Grandma.  The adults had Grandpa's
champagne punch and the whole evening was very special & very festive.
At some point we would all go to the basement where there was a small
Christmas Tree with acres of presents under it.  There was one
exchange gift and a gift for every single daughter, son, grandchild &
great-grandchild from Grandma & Grandpa.  Each gift was always
something unique & special.  My grandmother did the shopping & she had
a knack for choosing just the right thing.  Grandpa would pick up each
package & call out the person's name.  Waiting for Grandpa to call out
your name was one of the highpoints of the holiday and cause for much
excitement & anticipation for the kids in the Thiem family.  The
twinkle in his eye & the joy he put into this are something I will
remember all of my life.  His family was everything to him & we all
loved him & Grandma with our whole hearts.

Christmas Eve always brings memories of these family gatherings and
colors the day & night before Christmas with a special glow for me.
To all of you celebrating Christmas tonight & tomorrow, I wish you joy
and hope & happiness.  Cherish the time you spend with your families.
Treasure all the good memories of past Christmases and if this isn't
the best of times for you, never lose sight of your hope.  Remember,
Love's the greatest Beauty.  It will prevail, always.

Merry Christmas

Love & Peace,


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