--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> <<I'd settle for just the single, or maybe Bob can
> burn 
> it for me somehow on my next Joni bootleg or covers
> request? >>
> You know I'd do it too, Rose...we'll figure
> something out. 

I just downloaded it off Musiccity.com.  Can you
(meaning I) send these things (mp3s) as attachments? 
I mean, I know you *can* - I tested it by sending one
to myself, but I got some kind of warning from my ISP
about clearing out my mailbox (it may have been that I
was sending it from my sympatico account to the same
account which may have confused things) I can send it
to people if this is something that can be done
without screwing things up and will do so if you ask
(but not without your permission, of course, and can't
send to the list,
(I don't think this thing supports attachments does
it?)  Or can burn a CDR for you, if you like, and send
it by regular post (but I'm stingy and wouldn't want
to send only one 3-1/2 minute song!)

Can someone who *gets* this stuff please let me know
before I start making promises I can't keep? 
Otherwise, downloading the morpheus software from
Musiccity.com is quite easy - after all, I was able to
do it, so there you go.

Anyhow, I know what you mean about Christmas being a
sentimental time.  There are years (and this is one of
them) where I'd prefer to run away from it all.  I
imagine a cabin in the woods.  It's surrounded by
snow.  I have no idea how I got there - there are no
footprints or tracks of any kind anywhere.  There's a
roaring fire in the fireplace.  There aren't a lot of
people there, and not one who pisses me off
(therefore, the father of my children isn't there, now
that's my idea of paradise, but I digress ;] )

It's two years ago this very day that I saw my father
alive for the last time.  He died January 25, 2000, so
of course I think of him at Christmas.  And my Mum who
died a few years earlier, but once Dad was gone, that
was it - I was forced to become a grownup and believe
me, it ain't all it's cracked up to be.  I miss the
Christmases my whole family would get together at my
parents' place and the turkey and the whole bit.  At
Christmas 1999, because my Dad and my stepmother had
spent Christmas Day itself with my stepmum's family,
we did the McKay family Christmas on Boxing Day. 
Usually Dad acted as Santa and, after dinner, he would
call out the kids' names and they'd come and collect
their presents - they'd always be antsy as hell and
wired on sugar and they couldn't wait a minute longer,
or they'd probably burst from excitement.  

That last Christmas, Dad had gotten quite shaky from
the Parkinsons' and he couldn't manage very well
picking things up, and his voice had gotten quite
weak, so I moved up over beside him and helped him

This Christmas was a very quiet one.  I had the ex
over - after all, he is the father of my children and,
as long as he doesn't hang around too long, I can
handle him without wanting to smack him one.  I cooked
a turkey and mashed potatoes, home-made cranberry
sauce, stuffing, gravy, green beans and carrots with
fresh mint; mocha cake for dessert.  It was a pretty
spare Christmas gift-wise, because there's not a lot
of money around right now (thanks to a certain jobless
bum who will remain nameless but if I don't help him
out, I may have to take him back - and I'd rather walk
off a cliff), but I wanted the dinner to be a good one
and the kids to be happy, and I think they were (if a
bit disappointed in the few gifts they got this year,
but they had been warned they probably wouldn't be
getting too much this year.)

I appreciate the fact that JT uses the "until then,
we'll have to muddle through somehow" line rather than
the "Hang a shining/shiny star upon the highest bough"
that almost everyone else sings.  I prefer the
muddling bit, because it's much more realistic and far
less saccharine than the shiny star.

Send your holiday cheer with http://greetings.yahoo.ca

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