In Mac Outlook Express it looks find when I hit the send button, but when I
see my post in the digest it's all wierd (must be because the server is on a
PC tee heee).


on 1/1/02 7:15 PM, Catherine McKay at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If I hit <control> <shift> <~> in Word, it gives me
> the n with the ~.  When I try this in the Yahoo e-mail
> program, I get nada, niente, nichts.  It just doesn't
> work - maybe it's one of those plain-text vs rich-text
> things.  I hope someone can help me apologize to
> Edgardo - I feel terrible and even though I took
> Spanish in first-year university, I've forgotten most
> of it and what I do remember, I get mixed up with
> Italian.  If anyone needs a nuevo ano, it's not
> Edgardo - it's someone who doesn't get the njc
> e-mails, so I could name him if I wanted to
> (nyah-nyah) but for now, you probably know who I mean
> (the one who recently used some strong and
> not-very-nice language towards a certain beekeeper and
> whose e-mail name sounds vaguely popish.)

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