In a message dated 1/2/02 9:59:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Great idea, Bob. I suggest that it not be limited to Joni mentions in 
fiction, but be expanded into more of a "Joni in the World" idea >>

Hi, Debra:

I did think that maybe this proposed new Joni section could include mentions 
in fiction AND films, but I dunno . . . Your suggestions could keep me as 
busy as "Covers" Muller! Although I do think it would be cool to document 
media references and things like window displays. I bet you could even track 
down photos of the displays you mentioned, since most window dressers I've 
ever known -- and let's face it, I've known a few -- keep portfolios of their 

Anyway, now that we've put our ideas out there, let's see what Les and the 
gang think.

Take care,


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