Well folks.  We had our first meeting today with the new owner.  We had fill
out our consent to do criminal check forms.  Shouldn't be too long til the cat
is out of the bag and I am embarrassed, disenfranchised (so to speak),
humiliated, laughed at, and who knows what else.  Holding up relatively well I
guess but still bothering me and not looking forward to the coming days.
Frustrated, afraid, and angry.  Angry that I even have to go throught this for
15 minutes of action 24 years ago, and for the terrible offense of making
love.  I told my friend Rosalie today that I was queer.  Figured she already
knew anyway but it wasn't easy.  She didn't care, still loves me.  She is
special.  Still, that was very hard.  Couldn't keep it inside anymore about
this work business.   Needed to vent.   This seems rather trivial, I would
suppose, in contrast to Wally's predicament but not to me, not at this moment,
but hope I will digest it and feel better tomorrow.  Must say that it is great
to return home and have my family here to talk about it with.  You mean a lot
of me.

Love, mack

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