Kakki wrote: 
"She certainly isn't some religious fundamentalist or particularly devout about 
religion but she does have beliefs.  She has spoken of them a number of times in 
interviews.  From what I can gather from listening to her she is a kind of Buddhistic 
Christian with a great appreciation for Native spirituality. ;-)"

That's what i wanted to know, Kakki. You're so lucky. You can hear interviews with 
Joni sharing her point of views (Kakki, you even met her face to face for such an 
amazing conversation) - but me, i never heard anything here in Israel from Joni (not 
about Joni) in the media other than what i could learn from her lyrics. That was 
untill i joined the list and even now, as i learn something new about Joni everyday, 
there are so many things i still realy want to know, and this was one of them. I 
thought that Joni was a non-religious person only from what seemed to be a 
non-religious feeling in her lyrics, but that was just my eyes/mind trying to work out 
the meaning of things, and like i said, i was confused and i knew you guys would tell 
me what you know. And that was all just an introduction to - Thank you, Kakki:)!

You and Colin spoke of some ways of belief and of whom one believes in.
(I used the word God in general just to make it easier to understand and for us to 
talk about) - it was good to read your thoughts and opinions. 



p.s. Just to help you understand how sometimes here in Israel (and i'm sure it 
happenes everywhere) the media makes a mess of facts -
When Joni and her daughter found eachother, the most important news-paper here named 
'Yediot Acharonot' (Up to date news in hebrew) wrote that the only thing Joni was sad 
about when she met Kilauren was that Kilauren didn't have the chance to meet her 
Grandmother because Myrtle was already dead. When i joined the list and found out that 
Myrtle was very much alive - i was realy happy. I'm a grannyboy, hehe:)

That reminds me that i do believe that with that happy ending of the Mitchell women 
story - Joni should get the Granny award :)

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