> that he died recently at age 50 of Hepatitis C (I don't remember
> how you contract that).

it doesn't matter.

> Then I learn that my brother-in-law's uncle (who is Admiral Chester
> Nimitz's son; my brother-in-law is his grandson) at 86 years of age killed
> himself and his wife because of their declining health.  They were members
> of the Hemlock Society (an organization dedicated to having the right to
> choose how you die, basically) and had talked about it for several years.
>  Apparently they had a nice family party on New Year's Day and died the
> following day.  The family had come to accept the notion, but I would still
> think it was quite a shock to lose both parents in one day.

yes but good for in laws that they didn't contiue to siffer to please their

> Today I get a note from an old family friend that my mother's closest
> friend died last May (I sent them a Christmas card, not knowing).

this is sad. life has many sadnesses. It is okay to feel sad about it.

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