mike en espana wrote:

<<I find this a fascinating
topic and am constantly amazed at the willingness of
European actors to
these roles without a thought for their work
prospects. What is this
difference in perception between America and Europe
regarding 'machismo'?
thoughts on this?>>

and my suthern bro Bobs wrote...

<<No, the "goal" of Ron Howard, Russell Crowe, the
producers & financial
backers, etc. was to make money. Pure & simple. That's
how they keep their
careers alive. So they take a true story, embellish
and dilute it as they
will, and tell a good story. That was their goal.>>

and now me....

inspired to write by the above quotes.......

I've been thinking about  filmmaking and what it is
about films that I love ever since this thread
began...not just about Beautiful Mind ... any film. I
cannot help but wonder what is the creator(s)
thinking?? IS it about money? ... reaching for
plausibility...a pretty picture...spring boarding to
other projects... flexing their artistic muscles...are
they helping us resolve something in our lives? ....no
doubt some of each or all of the above.

I like a film that makes me think, that moves me..that
makes me laugh and cry and lots of things. I
wonder..is it possible for  a film to depict "the
truth/ history/herstory" when we know there are so
many versions of a truth/histories/herstories. Inside
our souls, we've lived them all, haven't we?

Can a film show us the whole span of an illness  and
what it is really like to live from the inside
out..can we get close enough to really get it in a
span of two hours or so ...can we see reality on the
big screen...feel the day to day..the
nauseating/tension filled/i want to scream/i cant take
it anymore angst/tear filled morning/mourning kind of
days(i love you now go away and stop doing this to me
please....to the dreaded there is no escaping this
pain every single day of your life... can film create
or reproduce your reality or mine? Will anyone else
know what it is to watch your loved one turn into
someone you no longer recognize? The heart wrenching,
soul searing omg you cannot help but hurt like hell
for them and with them and inspite of them because
"it' is taking them away from you..so far away that
you cannot touch them as you once could. You no longer
recognize someone who was a part of your
heart/body/mind and soul .. imho, I think that's a
tough thing to do. (note:imho).

I see a HUGE difference in International film style
(which I ultimately and absolutely love) versus
Hollywood film making. (Kolya, Raise the Red Lantern,
The Red Violin, Il Postino, etc etc etc) . I once saw
a film (damn, forget the name) which focused solely
(no pun intended) on a pair of shoes that a little
girl lost or something like that and she and her
brother were central to the entire film...he was along
with her for the ride ...and what a ride it was ..
filled every single one of my senses to the
max...through and through, a wonderful, fabulous
film....  brilliant and bittersweet and hysterical all
at once.

As for Hollywood....so many themes rise again and
again and get a bit ... well.... boring...or
predictable. As Bob wisely said....seems that 'they'
make what sells and what projects people along in
their career path.

just some thoughts on a beauteous winter's
night...snuggling up with my honey boi.

np: silence

And this loving is a drawing close,
a tuning in, an opening.
Until one perfect moment;
but how can it be expressed?
A receiving, an enfolding
as I cradle you in my arms.
Within my heart, within my soul,
You are my true love.

     --Lui Collins


                 / /\_,

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