Mary P wrote:

> Mack--that was RUSSELL CROWE I saw in that movie, which came out
> in 1995 or so??!  I hadn't a clue.  And of course, nobody in the
> States had heard of him yet:  at least, no one that I knew.
> And yes, he was very good in that film, which somehow managed to
> be sweet and terribly sad and haunting and uplifting, all at the
> same time.

Here's some nostalgia for Russell Crowe fans - before he became a famous
Hollywood actor!  I managed to find a site with a photo of him in NZ in
1983, in his first (I think) band, Russ Le Roq and the Romantics!  There's
even a link to play one of their songs - prepare yourself, it's not "great"!

I remember seeing an interview with him on a local music show (Shazam -
hosted by Philip Schofield who went on to win fame and fortune in London).
He was very, very "serious" about his music career, at the tender age of
about 18!

Every now and then they have a "what they were doing way back then" TV show,
where they show clips of now-well-known NZ actors/celebrities, and this
interview always makes it onto the show.  As does the music video Russ Le
Roq and the Romantics made.  Probably not something Russell wants

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