Bree said:  <<[referring GC]I don't know if he's gay?  But I can tell you he 
has pledged never to be married again.  And he values this circle of eight or 
so guys he has known since his struggling young days when he left Agusta,Ky 
to live  with his 
aunt,Rosemary Clooney in California.  They hang together all the basketball,ride bikes.  He's not the type to be 
tied-down.........a free spirit.  Also,he's married to his work.  I think he 
did a heck of a job in PERFECT STORM!!  I love his thick Irish brows!>>

I asked my friend, who's working on his make-up in the film being made up in 
Montreal, and (you could almost hear the Gallic shrug over the phone -- 
Stephan is French Canadian) he said "Who knows?  When we all came back from 
the holiday break, Gearge gave me (and everyone else) a big hug and said 
"Happy New Year"!

[Sound of Walt falling off his desk chair]  umph.  Excuse me.  Some people 
have all the luck.  All reports of George Clooney is that he's a sweetheart, 
easy to work with, serious about his work (as Bree mentioned) but *not* 
serious about himself.

:-) Walt

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