
Pearl's pictures are on JJ's site.

There's an ancient expression that goes,

"Give a joni-lister a URL, and you'll entertain her for an hour.  But if you
TEACH a joni-lister to navigate the web sites, you'll entertain her for a

With that in mind, I went to Jim Johanson's and looked at the recent events area.  He's wisely
located it just inside the "front door" of the site.  I scrolled down to the
first link about Toronto but it didn't have Pearl's pictures.  I used the
<Back> button on my browser to return to the area about recent events.  (At
one time it was labeled "The Word", I think.)

I scrolled past the original link to an older link concerning Toronto.  In
the paragraphed labeled "10/29/01" is a paragraph that describes the Toronto
events.  The link is labeled
READ "OUR DINNER WITH JONI" STORY .  My advice is to go through these steps
as a useful exercise to "learn to fish" so to speak.

On JJ's site and Les Irvin's , you'll find tons of great stuff.
A large percentage of JJ's site in particular is best found by poking around
because the left hand pane with headings is sketchy and is definitely not
all inclusive.

Oh, and by the way, the URL is:

Enjoy.  Share the love.

Lama, checking in from Joni-Only digest and loving it.

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