Brian and I are sitting here trying to figure out a
way to articulate that moment, those feelings which
were stirred up when we saw Joni walk across the stage
in Toronto this past fall, knowing we were about to
hear her play the piano for the first time in many,
many years.

I did a little piece of writing about it, albeit raw
and rough, it comes closer to that moment than what I
have been able to articulate thus far. I was
sandwiched between my Brei and Steve Polifka in that
darkened room, lights falling upon Joni's shoulders,
as they should be. The audience was hushed and
electric all at once. We knew..oh g-d we just knew we
were about to witness something incredibly powerful
and could barely contain ourselves. I am sure that all
of our collective positive energy helped Joni to make
that decision. Imagine our excitement about to burst
like overfilled balloons when she asked us if she
should play? A nice thought, I sincerely hope that
Joni, beloved Joni did  feel the love and admiration
we have for her. A precious, special moment.

close your eyes and remember
remember that very first time you ever heard Joni
it took your breathe away
stopped, deeper than that
riveted you in your tracks
you could not believe
how a human voice could reach down
so deep inside you
touch your very soul
you wondered who she was
and where she came from
and how she knew you
oh yes
she knew you
from the way she sang
from the way she touched those keys
or strings with the tips of her fingers
oh yes you knew
in that moment
you knew
from the way her words
gave voice to yours
breaking your silence
close your eyes and remember
those angst filled days
and how joni became the very thing that saved you

It was a Sunday night many years ago now. I was
working as a volunteer at the local telephone distress
centre...doing what I love to do, help others through
their problems. Walk inside my memory, go up that set
of old wooden stairs at the back of this beautiful and
ancient Anglican church in my home town. Find me
sitting there, waiting for the phone to ring. As you
listen with me to the local FM radio
hear DJ Terry Williams say he has something new to
share. The chords break free and swirl around the room
and your eyes fill with tears as you hear your 'self'
within the words. Oh sweet memory.

now tell me yours.

feeling the snow falling on cedars ;-)

it's a miracle

                 / /\_,

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