This was one of the topics of Question Time on TV tonight(BBC) and has been raguing in 
the news this wekk. The feeling is one os dismay that the USA is behaving in  this 
way. As has been pointed out, this will only exacerbate the probelmes, produce more 
hatred towards
the USA and produce more martyrs and make American citizens even more unsafe.
America has long been looked up to as a country to hold up human rights, fair 
treatment,good law(okay if you forget about CP) and the ' good protector'. It now 
appeares to be throwing this all away and beahving just like any other thug. This is a 
sad sad time for us
all, not to mention dangerous.
Some here in the UK have pointed out the evil committed by thses people(well actually 
they all died in theose planes) so why should we care what happens to these POW's. 
That is not the popint. the point is sticking to our Principles regardless. If we 
don't, why bothetr
having principles? In the future, when other coutries take American prisoners, America 
will kot be able to bargain and demand that the Geneve convention is followed. It has 
thrown all that away. Taking these POW's to Cuba, a military court, the refusl to call 
POW's has dragged America down into the gutter.alomng with all these 'bad countries'.

Randy Remote wrote:

> I couldn't agree more.  If we do not take the high road, and use
> proper protocol, we are simply lowering ourselves to the standards
> of the other thugs.  Ashcroft was quoted as saying he was not in the
> least bit interested in how the "POW's" were being treated.  Sadly,
> there are plenty of Americans who feel the same, so our wild west
> administration continues to get high approval whilst shredding the
> constitution as quickly and efficiently as they possibly can.  These
> people are not patriotic, they are traitors and should be removed
> from office and tried for treason.
> RR
> colin wrote:
> > It is most unfortunate that the USA has decided to act like the governments it 
>abhors in regard to the Taleban POW's. This will not help to change the attitudes of 
>those who despise America. It will only create more resentment and more pain for the 
>USA. Working a
> > 'do as we say, not as we do' policy will only bring more grief.

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