If only the US media was willing to ask these questions.  It's all
just wave the flag and cheer and have another beer.

colin wrote:

> This was one of the topics of Question Time on TV tonight(BBC) and has been raguing 
>in the news this wekk. The feeling is one os dismay that the USA is behaving in  this 
>way. As has been pointed out, this will only exacerbate the probelmes, produce more 
>hatred towards
> the USA and produce more martyrs and make American citizens even more unsafe.
> America has long been looked up to as a country to hold up human rights, fair 
>treatment,good law(okay if you forget about CP) and the ' good protector'. It now 
>appeares to be throwing this all away and beahving just like any other thug. This is 
>a sad sad time for us
> all, not to mention dangerous.
> Some here in the UK have pointed out the evil committed by thses people(well 
>actually they all died in theose planes) so why should we care what happens to these 
>POW's. That is not the popint. the point is sticking to our Principles regardless. If 
>we don't, why bothetr
> having principles? In the future, when other coutries take American prisoners, 
>America will kot be able to bargain and demand that the Geneve convention is 
>followed. It has thrown all that away. Taking these POW's to Cuba, a military court, 
>the refusl to call them
> POW's has dragged America down into the gutter.alomng with all these 'bad countries'.
> Randy Remote wrote:
> > I couldn't agree more.  If we do not take the high road, and use
> > proper protocol, we are simply lowering ourselves to the standards
> > of the other thugs.  Ashcroft was quoted as saying he was not in the
> > least bit interested in how the "POW's" were being treated.  Sadly,
> > there are plenty of Americans who feel the same, so our wild west
> > administration continues to get high approval whilst shredding the
> > constitution as quickly and efficiently as they possibly can.  These
> > people are not patriotic, they are traitors and should be removed
> > from office and tried for treason.
> > RR
> >
> > colin wrote:
> >
> > > It is most unfortunate that the USA has decided to act like the governments it 
>abhors in regard to the Taleban POW's. This will not help to change the attitudes of 
>those who despise America. It will only create more resentment and more pain for the 
>USA. Working a
> > > 'do as we say, not as we do' policy will only bring more grief.
> --
> bw
> colin
> DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270, Passap 6000, 
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