Hi, all,

I just caught most of a story on CNN (some of you may have seen it too).  For 
some reason (it was the beginning of the story that I missed), a lioness 
"adopted" a baby ibex, something it would more normally have had for lunch.  
But rather than eating it, the lioness groomed it, licked it -- basically 
treating it like a lion cub.  (I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that 
the lioness had just lost its own cub, hence the unusual behavior).  She even 
allowed the little buck to nurse from its real mother, whom the lioness also 
left in peace.  This went on for two weeks, and the game preserve got lots of 
attention from the locals and various news organization because of the 
phenomenon.  Some people, perhaps looking for a deeper meaning, thought the 
"miracle" was a message from God about peace.

The sad ending was that after two weeks, when the ibex and both its "mothers" 
were not close enough to protect it, *another* lioness attacked the baby ibex 
and, or course, ate it.  

There have been other stories, of course, about mothers taking on other 
species as their progeny, nursing them and such (there was a particularly 
amusing one shown on American Public television but originating from Great 
Britain, in which a man found an orphaned squirrel pup [kit? -- not sure] and 
gave it to his cat, who had a ltter of three or four kittens, and she 
accepted the baby squirrel as her own -- and it lived to survive and be 
released into the wild, with some help from the man, who was a naturalist, 
and had to teach it how to be a squirrel;  the fun parts were the kittens and 
baby squirrel's play, since the baby squirrel had climbing abilities that 
left its "sibling" kittens clearly puzzled...), but I thought this one was 
particularly unusual.



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