Hey Gang,

I downloaded a CSNY show from the Further Network last
week. I finally got to burning it tonight, and Joni
shows up on it in several places - does anyone know,
is this one of the late summer shows from '74 they did
together?? Did Joni open for CSNY?? Does anyone have
the first half on the show? The date is 9.8.74.

Joni's unmistakable warble shows up without warning or
introduction of any sort, lending a soft touch to an
otherwise extremely SPOTTY performance. This is the
only show I have from the '74 tour, and it seems to
document very well what happens to genuine talent when
lifestyle issues rage out of control. In fact, Graham
Nash mentions at one point the difficulties the group
had experienced at customs earlier that week. Stephen
Stills in REALLY in bad shape here, a vocal kiss of
death to all he touches. Glad I downloaded this of my
own volition, as opposed to having traded for it and
waited for the mail to arrive, etc. Glad also for the
documentation of Joni's presence. Glad for the
knowledge that I need not pursue other shows from the
CSNY '74 tour. One (3 CD bonanza) is quite enough.
Joni & Neil save this from the trash bin.

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