Yes! Yes!  I do this quite a bit with her is soooo vivid.  
Night Ride Home....Free Man In Paris, Cotten Avenue,Ladies Of The Canyon,  
Damn..  I could go on!!

Night Ride Home:

>From the big blue moon,silver power lines, the horse with the red taillights 
on his hide,her man beside her,the band tearing down.....

NO PHONES UNTIL FRIDAY:I always picture Joni's cell and her lovers in the 
glove compartment.  Turned OFF,of course.

There is a lonely country road that I travel quite frequently in Indiana 
along the beautiful Ohio river.  The road has quite a few S-curves and there 
are farms scattered about.  Every time I'm on this road,and when I go into a 
particular curve,there is a small barn with horses outside 
grazing.......NIGHT RIDE HOME starts playing in my head.  And WOW, sometimes 
there is a full moon reflecting on the water and you can even hear the 
crickets.  :-)  The downer for me only is that I don't have my sweetie 
sitting next to me.  :-(
I know Joan wrote this while in Hawaii.  At least the inspiration came from 
her time there.  Gem of a song!

Np:Night Ride Home

>I've listened to lots of Joni this year, mostly live stuff. One of the 
>songs that Joni's continued to perform over the years is "Just Like This 
>Train", as she says she just enjoys playing that opening riff.
>Anyway, as I listen to this song I take it in almost like "listening" to a 
>painting. The images are so detailed an vivid in this song, particularly in 
>this passage:
>"And I found this empty seat
>In this crowded waiting room
>Everybody waiting
>Old man sleeping on his bags
>Women with that teased up kind of hair
>Kids with the jitters in their legs
>And those wide, wide open stares
>And the kids got cokes and chocolate bars
>There's a thin man smoking a fat cigar"
>I feel like I can really SEE all these people and these scenes. Wonder 
>which Joni songs conjure up specific images for y'all...
>One of the joys of Joni's music for me, I would say, and the benefit of her 
>bringing a visual artist's sensibilities to her music.
>NP: Bob Dylan, Hurricane Carter Benefit

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