In a message dated 1/21/02 5:59:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I was wondering if anyone would be up to letting me know (in as much 
detail as desired) their take on "Don't Interrupt the Sorrow".  >>

Oh, no! I can't get into the "your notches"/"you're notches" debate again so 

(Just kidding -- I'll be polite.)

Welcome, Erica! 

We all just discussed this within the past month or so. It's always a subject 
that brings out a lot of brilliant insight (ask Muller about "the 1:15") and, 
in my opinion, a lot of less than brilliant insight. And the great thing is, 
thanks to our wonderful Webmaster Les, you can go to the JMDL archives and 
check out everything that's been said on the subject for the last couple of 
years. What more could a Joni lover ask for? 

The JMDL is where I found out that the "copper proud-headed Queen Lizzie" in 
"Electricty" is -- duh! -- a Canadian penny, among many other fun Joni facts. 
Plus the people here are great. Have fun!

Take care,


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