> Yes, Lily would be good.  She is one heck of an actress.  

Lili Taylor is underrated but for anyone who wants a dose of what she can 
do, see her in Abel Ferrara's THE ADDICTION where she played an thropology 
grad student who moonlights as a vampire! She was also great as Valarie 
Solanas in I SHOT ANDY WARHOL. She is luminous in small films like 
HOUSEHOLD SAINTS and she gave a certain class to this Mel Gibson film 
called RANSOM. Yes, she is the actress who comes close to being Janis 

(Anyone else
> noticed how actresses now are called actors.  The word actress is out. 
> Is that feminism or what?  What caused the change?)

I heard in the linguistic/art studies academic circles that as the English 
language has inherent sexism (because what language would say: "everyone 
must submit HIS paper..." among others), they are trying to do away with 
the words that expressly distinguish males from females (in journal 
articles which pride themselves as stalwarts in political correctness, even 
a woman is spelled "wommon" while women is now "womyn"). Since almost all 
other words that used to denote the female equivalent (authoress, poetess, 
aviatrix, etc.) were now rarely used, some are saying that "actress" will 
now be called actor, such that in the Oscar race, it comes out like: Best 
Performance by a Female Lead Actor.

Haven't heard of
> difranco. going to have to check her out.

A friend spent the weekend at home and he played Ani Di Franco no end. He 
was playing this ep of hers, and like you, I am going to check her out 
soon. But I was told that her label (Righteous Babe?) is too indie that it 
might not come to the Philippine shores at all.

>  Said
>> > Jennifer Tilly. She better not be Janis.  Ugh!  No way.
>> IIIICKKKK! i hope she plays a hot dog vendor, or some
>> equally unimportant role. i can't get over her voice
>> or lack of acting ability.

I agree, but I also believe that there are ceratin roles that suit 
that "whiny" voice. She was outstanding in Woody Allen's BULLETS OVER 
BROADWAY and she convinced me in BOUND that her character, Violet, is worth 
dying for (in this case, Gina Gershon).

later all,
np: John Pizzarelli "I Like Jersey Best"

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