johnirving wrote:

> I deeply regret that Joni does not know how to write sheet music. The
> 'loss' in Joni's inability to write is she cannot be the creator behind
> the orchestral music of her last and next project. She has to rely on
> someone else arranging the music, which removes it, for me, a bit away
> from being HER music and it becoming someone elses. She has managed to
> work around this shortcoming quite beautifully. It's certainly hasn't
> hindered her composing on piano or guitar. When she's needed to, she
> hums the parts. That seems to work well enough. I guess if you surround
> yourself with masterful players, the weakness kind of fade off into the
> back ground.
> Joni is a wonderful composer. It's a shame she never learned to put it
> on a page.

I have to kindly disagree. I am a trained musician and have never
regretted that. It took me places I could have never gone without it. But
it can also hold you back from seeing and hearing what is not part of the
"logic' and "history" of the musical system. Joni may never have played
the notes, chords, chord changes, and progressions if she had not struck
out with what she heard in her head, rather than what she learned from a
teacher. Of course, add to that a lyric genius, and we have Joni!


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