Dear Jerry:

I most respectfully agree. This was the point I wanted to make earlier
in a post but you have made ever so more eloquently.  :)  Some people
MUST have the training because it gives them the foundation and
boundaries they require.  Other people can not or will not conform to
those foundations and boundaries touted as requisites for competence. 

Joni Mitchell is Joni Mitchell...flawed as any mortal and more brilliant
than the sun. She can hear what sounds and feels right to her.  That
notwithstanding, scored orchestral pieces such as Bach, Beethoven, etc.
are always altered and changed by whomever is conducting because the
conductor wants a certain feeling or sound.  

I have heard that there is a machine or computer or some such thing that
will take in the notes you are playing and convert it to sheet music. 
Has anyone else heard of this?

Well, I am baking brioche this morning and it is about to come out of
the oven.  I had to follow a recipe. :)

Love and Peace...Sharon

Jerry Notaro wrote:
> I have to kindly disagree. I am a trained musician and have never
> regretted that. It took me places I could have never gone without it. But
> it can also hold you back from seeing and hearing what is not part of the
> "logic' and "history" of the musical system. Joni may never have played
> the notes, chords, chord changes, and progressions if she had not struck
> out with what she heard in her head, rather than what she learned from a
> teacher. Of course, add to that a lyric genius, and we have Joni!
> Jerry

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