Went to Abilene today.  It is the largest place around here.  65 miles away.
Thought I would give it a shot and go to the record store, hoping to find
something sweet.  I thought I had been very lucky.  I found Hissing of Summer
Lawns which I have wanted for the longest time.  Drove home, anticipatory to
the utmost, and put it on.  It is defective.  Bummed out.  The first two
tracks will not play.  Too early to get a read on the rest of it but Joni is
in fine voice.  It was the only one they had.  They also had Mingus but I had
already chosen three albums, Hall and Oates Abandoned Luncheonette and a
Luther Vandross compilation so put it back.  Wish now I had not.  There was
only one of it too.  I hid it.  The place was in such disarray that I am
hoping no one finds it.  Naughty?  I know I am but I could not help myself.


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