Interesting discussions lately. I have been on a 60's "kick" lately, reading 
a lot about what happened back then, and trying to understand the whole 
"hippie" culture. Mostly because my son, Aaron, who many of you met last 
Jonifest, seems to be in the category of the "second generation" of hippies. 
I was not yet 14 the summer of Woodstock, and thus missed a lot of the whole 
culture of that time period by several years. Sure, I wore black armbands to 
protest the war, fringed vests and bell-bottoms, love beads, etc., but really 
was just a teeny-bopper after all. Does anyone have any good suggestions of 
books or movies on this era? There are many books listed on Amazon, but I was 
wondering if anyone in this vast commnunity might have some suggestions. I'm 
really having fun flashing back to this time period!

Anyone want to start a JMDL commune?  ;-)


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