
That is just incredible!  You must have been standing at the
stage door right where I was after the show!  I remember the
fellow asking Joni for a kiss, and I was kicking myself for
not thinking of asking first.  I asked something dumb like
"when will you perform back in Detroit again?"
I have her autograph from the program in a frame.  I wonder
if she signed it with YOUR pen??? :-)  What a small world! 
Do you remember her playing "Rainy Night House" and making a
mistake?  She stopped and said something like, "Oh I'm so
sorry, I guess I'll just have to start all over again" or
something like that?  She was just beautiful.  A friend (not
into Joni) and I took the train from Detroit to Stratford to
see her.
When I run into him now he always says, "Remember when we
went to Stratford to see Joni Mitchell?"  How filled with
hope I was in my younger days!!

Best regards, 


Rick and Susan wrote:
> > From: Gary Zack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I always regretted the fact that I didn't
> > discover the "coffeehouse" scene until after Joni left, although I did
> > travel to see her in Stratford that year.
> Hey Gary, I hitchhiked three hours from my hometown in Southern Ontario to
> see Joni in Stratford in '69, It was magical as always, especially the part
> where she gave me a daisy at the stage door after losing my pen while
> signing autographs. One of the other people backstage asked for a kiss (and
> got it). That wasn't you was it?
> Thanks for the Chuck Mitchell info.
> Ranger Rick

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