Sharon wrote:

> I am not playing the accordion for another few days. Another accordion
> friend told me to apply Arnica to the sore area.  Any thoughts out there?

Two thoughts:

1) I've never applied Arnica topically, but I have used the under-the-tongue variety, 
and it does provide relief.  As with other homeopathic tablets, you should not pick up 
the tablet with your fingers, but rather tap the tablet from the container to its lid 
(or something similar), then transfer the tablet to your mouth.

2) Since my mother's passing (and thanks again to all of you who sent kind words 
during her hospital stay and afterwards), I have become the caretaker for two 
accordians!  I've been thinking of bringing the smaller one to this year's fest, 
especially since Smurf wrote:

> I think the best way to avoid accordian injuries, Sharon, is to refrain
> from playing the darn thing in public!

To that, I reply:  ROLL OUT THE BARREL!!!

: )

in MD

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