This reminded me...
Once a few years ago my younger sister and I were in Manhattan shopping.  As 
we entered a department store a woman fell in to step with us, and when we 
got to the door, I opened it and stepped aside to let her (and my sister in). 
 I can't help was ingrained from an early age that you open the door 
for a woman if the situation presents itself.  The woman tore into me with a 
fury and told me that she was capable of doing it by herself, and that I 
shouldn't assume that she wanted me to open the door for her, etc. etc.  She 
was quite rude.  I was shocked, and didn't respond immediately, and my sister 
stepped up and pulled the door handle away from her and sort of pushed me 
into the store, calling over her shoulder: "Excuse my brother, ma'am.  He 
thought you were a lady."  Very funny episode.


Emily Gray Tedrowe wrote:

> hi again colin!
> i think that what is meant by thinking "lady" an offensive
> term is that the word seems to suggest some kind of class
> stature or education level or social designation that
> "woman" does not have.  that is, some people believe that
> "lady" is an outdated term which holds today's women to
> a past, class- and manners-based system which is no longer
> relevant.
> does that help?

yes it does. You amke it very clear. Thank you very munch.

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