I always open doors for people.  It's just something I do....and I've had a
few men give me a funny look, like they can't step through a door opened by
a woman!


Reuben wrote:

This reminded me...
Once a few years ago my younger sister and I were in Manhattan shopping.  As
we entered a department store a woman fell in to step with us, and when we
got to the door, I opened it and stepped aside to let her (and my sister
 I can't help it...it was ingrained from an early age that you open the door
for a woman if the situation presents itself.  The woman tore into me with a
fury and told me that she was capable of doing it by herself, and that I
shouldn't assume that she wanted me to open the door for her, etc. etc.  She
was quite rude.  I was shocked, and didn't respond immediately, and my
stepped up and pulled the door handle away from her and sort of pushed me
into the store, calling over her shoulder: "Excuse my brother, ma'am.  He
thought you were a lady."  Very funny episode.


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