Ah, house concerts, I love them!  

If one has the space, I highly recommend hosting a house concert, or series 
of house concerts on a theme.  It's rewarding for the artists and hosts 
alike.  I  started doing house concerts way back in the early 1980s at my 
place in Long Beach.  We had a large deck in the backyard and hosted events 
for about thirty people during the summer - we even had Melissa Etheridge one 
night when she was comparably unknown.  She did an all acoustic performance, 
which I wish she would do more, but that's not what made her famous, now is 
it? You just never know who may start in your own back yard!

The method I use.  Invite friends, family, neighbors till you are full up, 
charging $15 each which includes a simple supper (usually a food for the 
masses:  chili, soups, salads, or pasta) and soft drinks, coffee, tea.  One 
trick I learned -- don't buy bottled water -- instead place a large bottled 
water cooler (3-5 gallons) in the food vicinity, you save a lot of money.  
People were welcome to bring their own wine (Hollywood Bowl style), I 
supplied openers, plastic glasses, etc.  We would start on a Saturday evening 
at 6:30PM, with food, then the artist(s) would begin performing at 8:00, 
break at 9:00 (cookies, etc. served) wrapping up at 10:00 or so.

It's really not that expensive - I could throw one for about $75, which if 
you consider the cost of attending a show out with dinner for two, you can 
easily exceed that amount. I'd pay that - the contributions go to the 
artists. I'd do one a month in May, June, July, August, and September.  It 
usually gets to the point that "advertising" isn't necessary - they just 
fill-up on their own.

Brad and I haven't hosted a house concert in the last three years or so.  I 
really like doing them outdoors in the summertime and we got out of the loop 
when we renovated our back yard.  We always intended to resume, but time gets 
away.  You all have gotten me motivated again and summer is coming!  

No regrets,

Coyote Rick
Casa Alegre
Hollywood, California

"Only fools are afraid to be burned by fire..."

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