Colin wrote:

> > As far as her sexual orientation, I don't think the words "former" or
> > "lesbian" apply in this case - "confused" would be a better word.
> >
> > Seriously, I agree with you.  You either are, or you're not - no choice
> > involved.
> Are bi-sexuals confused?

I wasn't aware that we were talking generally, Colin - this comment was
specifically made about Anne Heche, not the world in general.  And I stick
to what I said, which is only my own personal opinion - I think she IS
confused, bisexuality doesn't come into it.

But since you ask, no, I don't think bisexuals are confused but identifying
as a bisexual (in my opinion) does mean having a choice, as opposed to being
gay/lesbian where you identify with one gender (your own), and one gender
only.  I don't want to start yet another discussion on the whole
gay/lesbian/bisexual debate, so this will be my last words on the subject!

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