mack wrote:

> Actress and former lesbian Anne Heche.........
> Who wrote this?  This is the kind of crap that allows suppression of
> homosexuals.  She cannot be a former lesbian.

It seems that the only person who couldn't see Anne Heche for what she was, was Ellen. 
 Anne did Ellen and all lesbians and gays a huge disservice when she spoke at the 
Millenium March on Washington in April 2000 and said, "When I turned gay ..."

TURNED gay?  Thanks Anne, that's just what the "ex-gays" and their ilk wanted to hear.

It seems that, for Anne, being gay was like trying on a pretty fur coat ... when it 
got too hot, or when she perceived too much objection/rejection, she discarded it.

I'd like to think she was really in love with Ellen, and maybe she was, but it smacks 
of something more like a really bad publicity stunt.  Of course this leaves me 
wondering about Julie Cypher (former partner of Melissa Etheridge), too ...

in MD

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