Gil wrote:

> He has (or, perhaps, had) more of the same in Crawdaddy, which was still
> published a year or so ago. However, I was annoyed by his analysis of
> Dylan's 5-night stay at wherever it was in L.A. a few years ago. Few of us
> can afford that privilege, although of course now almost all of it is
> available if you hunt a bit.

Was that the 5-night at the El Rey Theater?  I was there for the Thursday
show which Sheryl Crow opened.  There had been rumors all week that Joni was
going to join him one of the nights.  Alas, she showed up with Kilauren one
of the nights but did not perform.  An ex-jmdler attended all 5 shows as
much on the rumor of Joni as to see Bob.  I have a recording of the Thursday
night, which includes my photo of Bob taken immediately before being
escorted out of the hall by Bob's big boys for snapping it ;-)


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