In a message dated 3/6/02 12:07:17 AM, Mack wrote (referring to a reference 
to "Former Lesbian" Anne Heche in some headline:

<< This kind of writing only adds to the untruth that homosexuals, or anyone
else, CHOOSE their orientation. >>

Hey, Mack -- this issue is still being knocked about, even here in San Fran, 
where you'd think it was all worked out.  There's a much-discussed film 
called "Kissing Jessica Stein", in which two young women, extremely tired of 
their shitty luck with men, decide to try out same-sex love.  At the end of 
the movie, there's a quick fast-forward to three months later, at which time 
the two young women are "still in love", but one of them decides she doesn't 
want to have sex with the other and goes back to her boyfriend(!), and the 
other moves on to other women. This pisses some people off, as does Anne 
Heche's behavior (and some of the press's snide remarks about same). For what 
it's worth, I think Anne Heche is a fair actress but a bona fide nutcase, and 
not a role model for *anyone*. :-)

*But* I know three people -- and I mean I know them well, two of them for 
nearly 30 years, and the other for about 20 -- whose sexuality *is* fluid.  I 
knew a fourth, one of my lovers, in fact, but he passed away.  And I've known 
many other people fairly well who were fluid in one way or another.

Ultimately, my take is that most people's sexuality is *not* fluid -- most 
people are gay or straight -- but to deny that some people may flow from one 
sexuality to another is to deny the facts.  By the same token, I've known 
some people who've said "oh, well, *all* people are basically bisexual" -- I 
think that's hokum, too.  And for the vast majority of us for whom sexuality 
is fixed -- to think that we *can* change (for whatever reason, religious 
dogma or otherwise) is folly.  Live and let live, I say, and I wish all 
people would say, and move on.  It astonishes me that even here, this issue 
needs to be debated, still!  "I'm different from you -- isn't that great!" -- 
  or at least, "Who cares?"

I know that's easy for me to say, Mack -- I live here and you live there.  
Hope you're doing well,



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