The news that Bush is prepared to use nukes is terrifying and confirms
the worst fears that people have about the USA. And Blair is going along
with this.

So exactly who are the mad men and which countries form the 'axis of

I wonder how it would be if other countries decided to go to war with UK
and the USA because we have weapons of 'mass destruction'? Imagine our
outrage at this.

Nukes were supposed to stop us being at war. big big piles of bullshit.
It hasn't done anything of the sort.

What it will do is blow us all to hell. And we deserve it really. It is
only a mtter of time and I think that time is short.

a nice cheerful message for this very windy Sunday!

gene mock wrote:

> hello everyone!  oxymoron for the day brought you by our
> pentagon---------"tactical mini nuke."

DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270,
Passap 6000, Duo80.


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